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Free suicide prevention workshop for young people

Wednesday 31 January 5.30 - 7.30pm


I am pleased to announce that the Dudley Young Health Champions is joining up with Papyrus: Prevention of young suicide to offer young people in Dudley the opportunity to attend a short workshop on Suicide Prevention. For further details and to book see the Eventbrite page

The workshop is taking place on:

Wednesday 31st January 5.30pm to 7.30pm – drinks and buffet will be available between 5.30 and 6pm @ DY1 Community Building, Stafford Street, Dudley, DY1 1RT (between the Asda and Stepping Stones surgery)

Priority will be given to young people who are volunteering with other young people, however this workshop is relevant to all young people.

Please note this is a workshop for young people not adults.

Please could you promote this amongst the group of young people that you work with and encourage them to sign up. Nearly everyone’s life has been touched by suicide – it is the biggest killer of males and females under 35 and given the right support most people that suicide would of chosen to live.

****Please also note that if you work in a setting would like to look at options for having this workshop delivered to a group YOUNG PEOPLE in your setting then please contact me to discuss further.

Information brought to you by Nicki Burrows, Dudley CVS and the Children, Young People and Families network .

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