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Few places left! Help us to review our Early Help Strategy - workshops

Dudley's Early Help Strategy workshops Wednesday 7 & Friday 16 Feb 2018


The Early Help Strategy was launched in December 2015 and set out the pathways for Early Help in Dudley to ensure the right level of support is provided to children, young people and families at the right time.

A planned review of the Strategy will take place in February and representatives from across the early help partnership can attend one of two multi-agency workshops to share their views and help shape the future of early help in Dudley. Your views are critical to the development of the Early Help offer, and we would welcome your input as part of the review.

The workshops will take place on Wednesday 7th February and Friday 16th February at Saltwells EDC.

Please select the below link to reserve a place on either workshop;

Kind regards,

Sally Walker

Project Support Officer - Family Solutions

People Directorate, Dudley MBC

T - 01384 (81) 3927

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